A Complete Guide To Caring For Your Lips

A Complete Guide To Caring For Your Lips

The skin on and around your lips is thinner than anywhere else on your body, which explains why it’s one of the first areas to show signs of ageing and why it requires as much attention – if not more – than the rest of your face. To find out how to look after this delicate area, we asked Tinker Taylor founder and make-up artist Zoe Taylor to share her tips.

Our Lips Are Incredibly Delicate

“The skin on our lips is so delicate, sensitive and exposed, yet it amazes me how many people don’t see them as a priority when it comes to their daily skincare routine. To put it in perspective, the skin on the lips has three to five cellular layers, while the rest of the face has up to 16. This is why your mouth is so vulnerable to heat, cold, light and touch. It’s partly why I created my lip kit – Tinker Taylor – as I hope to change people’s view on lip health and care. It’s also worth noting that lips don’t have sweat or sebaceous glands, so they don’t secrete the natural hydrolipidic film that protects the rest of the skin on our face and body.”

A Dedicated Routine Is Important 

“Just like our faces, lips need maintenance and a dedicated routine. One balm doesn’t cut it anymore, and I discovered this when I was pregnant. During that time, I suffered terribly with cracked, bleeding lips. It’s a common problem during pregnancy, so as a result, I looked for products and a routine that could help me. The more research I did and the more products I tried, the more frustrated I became. There were no natural, healing products that worked. The only options were singular lips balms with irritating ingredients, or clinical products that did the job, but provided little pleasure when it came to the overall experience. So, I chose to formulate my own balms and oils to create a dedicated – yet simple – regime that never left my lips longing for more. I used the kit on my clients, who started putting in ‘orders’, before one day, Victoria Beckham told me to team up with a chemist, which is when I decided to launch the products into the world in a mindful and sustainable way. The reason the kit has been so popular – in my opinion – is because it’s an easy-to-follow process that delivers proper results.” 

Three Steps Is All You Need

“My three-part lip care sequence is as follows: scrub, oil, balm. You should always start with a good scrub as it’s a great way to buff off any dry skin and increase blood flow to the area, which helps increase plumpness naturally. My Lip Scrub is full of antioxidants and vitamin C, too, which helps boost collagen. Then, follow up with the Lip Oil. It’s a great way to get hydrate fast and help to recover even the driest, most neglected lips. It’s brimming with grape seed and chia seed oil, which both work to boost hydration, elasticity and alleviate irritation. Finally, finish off with the conditioning Lip Balm. Shea butter and cupaca seed butter come together to lock in all the nourishment and keep skin strong and healthy, preventing any dryness from creeping in.” 

Exfoliation Is Essential 

“You should exfoliate your lips at least once a day – especially with our new use of facial coverings. It’s the easiest way to keep lips healthy, and in my opinion, looking fuller and more youthful. Many people suggest using toothbrushes or flannels to exfoliate, but these methods can rip the delicate skin in this area. I always advocate a proper scrub – especially as they have active ingredients, too, which can benefit you in more ways than one.” 

Natural Ingredients Work Better

“Often, anything that doesn’t include natural or clean ingredients, tends to irritate the lips, which is a risk I can’t take when making up a celebrity or model. I love shea butter as it’s such a great, all-round ingredient with healing benefits aplenty. Oils are great, but they should sink immediately into the lips, otherwise they aren’t absorbing properly, and instead, they just sit on the surface and may interfere with other products.” 

“My mission with Tinker Taylor was to create a brand that people trust, that’s authentic and transparent – in its achievements and desires, as well as with its ingredients. We are proudly vegan and natural, and use either organic or wild harvest ingredients.”

Menthol & Fragrance Are To Be Avoided

“Products with menthol, camphor, or strong fragrance can really irritate, regardless of any other nice ingredients a balm may have in it. These formulas can make dry lips worse, creating a cycle of repeat application and dependence, causing more damage in the long-term. I’d also advise against products that are based on petroleum jelly as this can’t be metabolised by the body, so it sits on the skin, preventing any beneficial ingredients from being absorbed.” 

Oils Are Best For Lipstick Removal

“If you want to remove lip colour without causing dryness or irritation, try using an oil-based formula. It will swiftly dissolve make-up without causing any irritation or flakiness of the skin. Follow up with my Lip Scrub to get rid of any stubborn product that’s left behind.” 

Regular Massage Works Wonders

“A good massage around the lip area helps to stimulate and strengthen your muscles – you can do this with your fingers. The technique works even better when combined with my three-part lip care kit for soft, smooth lips. Doing lip prep in this way helps to keep your lipstick on for longer, too.”

Home Remedies Are Worth Trying

“If you don’t have the budget to splurge on lip care, a few simple lifestyle changes will still make a difference. First, a healthy diet with plenty of vitamin D is essential – take supplements if you can’t get enough naturally. This will just help keep your skin and lips smooth, soft and hydrated. Secondly, avoid licking your lips – this may feel like you’re hydrating them, but you’re actually stripping them of moisture quite quickly.” 

Finally, SPF Is Key To Overall Lip Health 

“Many of us leave lips out when it comes to applying SPF, yet it’s so important. A lot of my Tinker Taylor products have ingredients with natural SPF in them, but watch this space for a dedicated lip protector, coming soon.”

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