Margot Robbie's Make-Up Artist Reveals Her Beauty Rules

Margot Robbie's Make-Up Artist Reveals Her Beauty Rules

Pati Dubroff is the talent behind some of the most beautiful and wearable Hollywood’s A-list make-up looks and creates dewy, candlelit skin like no other. So, when she was in London for the BAFTA’s, we jumped at the chance of interviewing her. Here, she divulges the nine beauty basics every woman needs to know…

Go Bare Faced

I recommend taking days off from wearing make-up. Seriously, let your skin breathe, you really don’t need to beat face every single day. More often than not, I’ll just wear moisturiser and lip balm, both of which give skin a beautiful sheen and hydrated finish. The key is to simply own the no make-up look, maybe throw on a lipstick if you want to add a little edge and colour, but put the foundation down for a day or two.


Don’t Take Instagram Seriously

Take what you see on Instagram with a big grain of salt. Even make-up artists are manipulating their images of the girls they’re working on. They add in high cheekbones that don’t exist and smooth and blur the skin with filters, when we see that and look in the mirror we become crushed and think, ‘why don’t I look like that?’ Just know that nobody does, it’s all smoke and mirrors. The same goes for YouTube tutorials, be wary, they can take you in a very confusing direction that may not be so flattering for you.

Light It Up

Always do your make-up in natural light. Whenever possible, get out of the bathroom and go to your nearest window, it’s the only way to get everything looking even. If you don’t have good lights then invest in them. If your place is dark, buy a ring light and you’ll have good make-up when you step outside. Try the Glamcor Riki Cutie Mirror – I carry one around with me everywhere.

Prime Right

Try using mattifying primers in your T-zone instead of powders. It’s a lighter way of cutting shine and unless you’re being photographed, you really don’t need powder. I think powders can look ageing. Still use them to set your make-up, but keep it to a very fine dusting, people always overdo it.

Riki Cutie Mirror, £55 | Glamcor
Riki Cutie Mirror, £55 | Glamcor

Go Lightly With Glitter

Use glitter in tiny dashes as opposed to a full blast, it’s much prettier worn subtly like this. I love the brand Lemon Head for their gel-based formulas which have great staying power and aren’t packed with glitter particles. For Margot Robbie’s BAFTA look this year I used the new Chanel Baume stick, added a little into it to make a beautiful, creamy pigment and then used a thin eyeliner brush to apply it strategically over the eye. There was a little dropping on the face, but that’s what tape is for. Just gently press it over the skin and you’ll lift off any glitter particles.

Double Act

Keep two shades of foundation in your arsenal because no one is a single shade all year round. I recommend having one that matches your neck and one that matches your face, then alternating between the two throughout the year. The one for your neck should be your go-to in winter months and should be used in the centre of your face to brighten and open up your features. Another trick is to use these two shades to contour your complexion gently – it’s just easier and more flattering than drawing stripes on your face with sticks.

Carat Face Massager, £158 | Amazon
Carat Face Massager, £158 | Amazon

Do DIY Face Massage

People often think this is not a thing, but I use facial massage on all my clients. Honestly, you see a complete restructure of the face when you are rolling the skin and getting in deep. I use ReFa’s massager and it adds cheekbones and shape you never knew you had! Try doing it on just one side of the face to start and I promise you will instantly see the difference.

Stay Hydrated, Always

Stay hydrated by drinking as much water as you can, always keep a big bottle nearby. Make sure you have a juicy, plumping cream to hand too, I use Augustinus Bader’s which is expensive, but so worth it as you don’t need a serum or other product in your routine – other than a cleanser of course.

The Cream, £205 | Augusintus Bader
The Cream, £205 | Augusintus Bader

Keep Brushes Clean

I feel like a mum right now: drink water, clean brushes, even if it’s just with shampoo! What guts me more than anything is when I ask to see make-up bags and out comes these brushes that look like they’ve never been cleaned. Think about that bacteria party – or that puff you’ve had for years, or the sponge that’s got so much bacteria deeply embedded. Seriously, you can expect mould spores too if you’re not diligent, and you don’t want to just be re-pressing all that grime back into your skin.

What’s In Pati’s Make-Up Bag:

We were lucky enough to get a sneak preview into her kit. We spied the following…

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