Green Goddess

Green Goddess

A bowl packed full of nutrients and topped off with a poached egg makes this the perfect restorative dish for a quick and tasty supper. If you make the entire quantity, there's bound to be some leftover for a healthy lunch the next day, too.
Total Time
25 Minutes
1 large leek, chopped into rounds
2 garlic cloves finely chopped
1 stub of ginger, peeled and chopped
1 green chilli, seeds removed and finely chopped
½ tsp of turmeric
½ cup of sherry
750ml of vegetable stock
1 tsp of miso paste
Zest and juice of 1 lime
Broccoli head cut into florets
Baby spinach
Cavalo nero – roughly chopped
Sugar snaps, roughly sliced
French beans, roughly sliced
Hand full of mint, dill and basil roughly chopped.
Noodle of choice – cooked and left to the side
Free range egg, either poached or soft boiled and halved with chilli, salt and pepper (optional)
Step 1

In a large frying pan warm a drizzle of olive oil or coconut oil over a medium heat. Add the leek, garlic, ginger, chilli and sauté until slightly coloured, being careful not to burn the garlic. Add the turmeric and stir over the heat for a minute or so.

Step 2

Add the sherry, stock and miso paste and simmer for a few minutes to reduce.

Step 3

If you're making an egg to go on top, this is the time to do it.

Step 4

Add your greens to the mixture, stir into the liquid and let them cook for about a minute – you still want the greens to be crunchy. Stir in the noodles and season.

Step 5

Serve into a warm bowl with an egg on top, sprinkle with mixed herbs, chilli and salt and pepper.

Recipe Courtesy Of Wild By Tart 

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