Work Out With SL x Bradley Simmonds

Work Out With SL x Bradley Simmonds

There are personal trainers and then there are personal trainers – Bradley Simmonds falls into the latter camp. Trainer to countless A-listers, his signature holistic approach to fitness promises to get you in the best shape of your life, and the good news is, over the next three weeks he’ll be sharing a range of exclusive workouts with SL. Here’s what you need to know before you get going…

Bradley Simmonds’ fitness journey began after an ACL injury cut short his footballing career at Queen’s Park Rangers. Still in a cast, he began studying for his PT qualifications and fast-forward several years, he’s now one of the capital’s go-to trainers, having worked with everyone from Louise Redknapp to Premier League footballers. His sports background forms the bedrock of his training principles – he takes a no-nonsense approach that advocates building what’s known as ‘functional fitness’ i.e. he’ll spend just as much time working on recovery and mental strength as well as building physical endurance. Here he shares his workout rules…

Sometimes, Tough Love Is Necessary

“The Bradley Simmonds approach consists of a hefty dose of tough love. With a no-nonsense approach and as a firm believer in setting goals, it is possible to create a constant cycle of being the best version of yourself. Your reasons for exercising are personal to you, but they should be focused on both the physical and emotional state. When you look good you feel good, and when you feel good you look good.”

If You’re Serious About Getting Fit, You Need A Plan

“One of the biggest mistakes people make when it comes to fitness is not setting goals and having a long-term plan. If you’ve decided to do a workout, that is a great, positive start but making the most of that time is key. Even if you just have 20 minutes, you can have a really effective session so long as you know what you’re doing. Just hopping onto the treadmill won’t make for a fun or sustainable session. Do your research, don’t be afraid to ask for help if you’re heading back to the gym and always have your workout planned beforehand.”

Strength Training Should Be Part Of Your Routine

“If you’re looking to tone up, the first thing to do is invest in a part of dumbbells or kettlebells and focus on resistance training. As much as cardio and HIIT training are good, the role of strength when it comes to building lean muscle can’t be discounted. The beauty of strength training is that it allows you to kill two birds with one stone – for example, you can focus on your lower body one day and upper body the following whilst still completing cardio or HIIT. When it comes to hero moves, include plenty of squats, deadlifts, lunges and hip thrusts for your lower body and push-ups, curls, rows and dips to tone your arms and shoulders. Just remember to keep your technique on point – ensuring your core is engaged at all times is a good place to start.”

A Bodyweight-Only Workout Can Work Wonders

“If you didn’t manage to get your hands on a pair of weights in lockdown, fear not, as your bodyweight is a fantastic substitute for equipment. Plus, using your body means you can train anywhere – no excuses. Moves like mountain climbers, bear crawls and burpees not only elevate your heart rate to improve fitness and burn fat but they also contribute to your strength training quota.” 

As much as cardio and HIIT training are good, the role of strength when it comes to building lean muscle can’t be discounted.

It’s Important To Make Your Training Count

“When it comes to getting toned, look to compound movements, which don’t just target one particular muscle but strengthen several muscles in one go. For this reason, you’ll always find weighted squat deadlifts, bent-over rows and military presses in my workouts. Incorporate moves like these and you’re onto a winner – they’ll build all-round strength and help with your core, too.”

Mobility Matters

“Mobility training is the answer to staying young. Whether you're a runner or an Olympic lifter we should all mobile before and after our workouts to ensure we have a good range of movement. If you don’t, chances are you’ll end up injured. As well as a decent warm-up before every workout, I spend a good ten minutes stretching afterwards, too, which is crucial to reduce DOMS (delayed onset muscle soreness). If you want to dedicate some more time to mobility, check out Tom Bliss and Sam Pepys.”

You Can’t Out-Train A Poor Diet

“It’s virtually impossible to build muscle and make fitness gains without thinking about nutrition. A lot of women want to tone up, but not necessarily lose weight, and in this scenario, nutrition is hugely important. You have to ensure you’re consuming a balanced healthy diet with enough calories to assist muscle repair and growth. Think about using a protein powder – additional protein is a fool proof way to aid recovery and rebuild broken muscle tissue. It’s a super quick and affordable way to take in extra protein without having to cook endless chicken breasts. Whey protein powder after a tough workout is my personal preference, but there are some great vegan options out there, too.”

Finally, Stick With It

“If you’re just getting back into the gym after lockdown, take it slow and keep things sustainable. Be realistic about your current fitness levels – go back, test the waters and push yourself but don’t end up with an injury. Remember consistency is key – schedule workouts throughout the week to make it a habit. Whenever we adopt a new habit, it’s tricky to remain consistent unless we have a plan in place that allows us to keep the ball rolling.” 

Ready to get going? Join Bradley for the first instalment in his workout series – a 25-minute lower-body session designed to raise your heart rate and build strength…

For more information visit and follow @BradleySimmonds.

DISCLAIMER: Features published by SheerLuxe are not intended to treat, diagnose, cure or prevent any disease. Always seek the advice of your GP or another qualified healthcare provider for any questions you have regarding a medical condition, and before undertaking any diet, exercise or other health-related programme.

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